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Lake Cumberland District Health Department

A healthy today for a brighter tomorrow.

The Lake Cumberland District Health Department is governed by a 30-member District Board of Health with representation from each county’s local board of health. The board is comprised of county judge executives, physicians, nurses, dentists, veterinarians, engineers, optometrists and citizen members. Among others, see KRS 212.855 & 902 KAR 8:150.

To learn more about the health boards or to apply to be a member, click Board Resources.

Board of Health 2023

If you have just been appointed to the Board of Health, congratulations!  If you would like to be considered for board appointment, read here: Statute that Governs Health Board Appointments; if you meet the qualifications you may apply by completing and submitting: County Board of Health Nominee Form.

Adair County

Honorable Larry Russell Bryant

Jacob Burton, OD

Matt Jackson RPh

Casey County

Honorable Randy Dial

Gina Goode

Kay King, RN

Clinton County

Honorable Ricky Craig

Jake Staton, PE

Cumberland County

Honorable Luke King

Kristen Branham, RN

Green County

Pam Bills, APRN

Honorable John Frank

McCreary County

Honorable Jimmie (Bevo) Greene

Terry Allan Lawson, ARNP

Stephen McKinley, OD

Pulaski County

Rodney Dick

Robert Drake, MD

Patty Guinn, RPh

Bruce Jasper, DVM

Honorable Marshall Todd

Tonya Shea, DO

Russell County

Susanne Lee, OD

Honorable Randy Marcum

Richard Miles, MD

Taylor County

Gayle Phillips, DNP, APRN

Marlene Richardson, DMD

Honorable Barry Smith

Wayne County

Joseph Brown, MD

Honorable Scott Gehring

Joe Silvers, RPh

Local Boards of Health 2023

James Bergin, MD; Janella Brown, DMD; Honorable Larry Russell Bryant; Jacob Burton, OD; Billy Coffey; Janice Coffey, DVM; Debbie Cowan; Catherine Feese, MD; Sheri Hutchinson, RN; Matt Jackson, RPh; Lee Ann Jessee; Gary Partin, MD

Casey County

Darin Cundiff, MD; Honorable Randy Dial; Gina Goode, RPh; Housam Haddad, MD; Kay King, RN; Linda Lee; Jennifer Overstreet, ARNP; John Price, MD; Laura Scott, DMD; Jennifer Shugars; Melissa Warner; Don Wilkey, DVM

Clinton County

Judith Brown, RN; Heather Brown-Connor, OD; Susan Cash, DMD; Honorable Ricky Craig; Charles Dailey, DVM; Carol Denney, APRN; Lala Haddix; Christy N. Stearns; William Powell, MD; Laura Ann Roberts, RPh; Jake Staton, PE; Michael Wilson, MD

Cumberland County

Brenda Arms, RN; Kristen Branham, RN; Brian Dyer, DVM; Lauren Dyer-Hurt, MD; Robert Flowers, DO; Honorable Luke King; Gina Lee-Watson; Michael Joseph Morgan, RPh; Tabatha Shelton; John G. Stephenson, DMD; Gary White; Douglas Williams, DNP

Green County

Charlie Allen, PE; Glenda Bagby, RN; Pam Bills, APRN; Garth Bobrowski, DMD; Devi Bradshaw; Teresa Collison, RPh; Shane DeSimone, MD; Mary DeSpain; Honorable John Frank; Paul Patterson, OD; Mark Risen, MD; Michael R. Shuffett, DVM

McCreary County

Azalie Egnew; Honorable Jimmie (Bevo) Greene; Martha Johnson; Terry Allan Lawson, ARNP; Stephen Mckinley, OD; James “Wesley” Murphy, RPh; Emily Ross, APRN; Sue Singleton; Jennifer West, APRN; Grady Wilson; Rita Wright; Rosalie Wright

Pulaski County

Reginald Chaney, PE; Rodney Dick; Robert Drake, MD; Patty Guinn, RPh; Bruce Jasper, DVM; Leah Jasper; Honorable Todd Marshall; Jim Muse, DMD; Cherice Patterson, MD; Harvey Schleter, OD; Tonya Shae, DORebecca Whitis, RN

Russell County

Connie Blankenship; Darrell Coffey, DVM; Don Cooper; Karen Dalton, RN; Mickey Garner; Sherie Loy-Helm, RPh; Stephanie Jones, MD; Susanne Lee, OD; Honorable Randy Marcum; Richard Miles, MD; James H. Popplewell, DMD; Holly Von Gruenigen, MD

Taylor County

Jerome Dixon, MD; Dan Durham; Jay Eastridge, RPh; Arthur Haley, OD; Lisa Haliday, RN; Phil Hays, DVM; David Hesson, MD; Gayle Phillips, DNP, APRN; Marlene Richardson, DMD; Thomas Rogers, MD; Honorable Barry Smith; Greg Tungate

Wayne County

William Breeding, DMD; Joseph Brown, MD; Sarah Debord Weddle APRN; Wade Dick; Vesta Edwards; Lora Elam Dolen, RN; Honorable Scott Gehring; Joanna Gregory; Kenneth Ramsey; James Sawyer, OD; Joe Silvers, RPh; Barry White, MD