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Lake Cumberland District Health Department

A healthy today for a brighter tomorrow.

Breast and Cervical Cancer

Early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer reduces the risk of death by offering women more treatment options.

Our breast and cervical cancer screening services include:

    • history and physical exam, including breast and pelvic
    • pap testing
    • mammography
    • counseling
    • STD testing if indicated
    • abnormal test result follow up and care

You may contact your local health department for more information.

Health and Safety Programs

The Kentucky Women’s Cancer Screening Program is a federally funded, public health program providing free or low-cost breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to eligible women in Kentucky. Services like mammograms and Pap tests are offered through local health departments and participating clinics around the state.

Screening Eligibility Requirements

  • Women ages 21 and older
  • Household income at or less than 250 percent of the federal poverty level
  • No health insurance including Medicaid and Medicare Part B

Where do I find a provider?

KWCSP providers are located across the commonwealth. To find the provider nearest you call toll free (844) 249-0708

When should screening begin?

While choosing when to get a breast and cervical cancer screening is a personal choice, significant body of medical evidence shows early detection is a primary factor in the successful treatment of breast and cervical cancer. Recommended screening schedules are:

Breast Cancer Screening

  • Ages 40-49: Women in this age group may choose to begin getting mammograms every two years.
  • Ages 50-74: Screening mammograms every other year should begin by age 50.


Note: Women with certain risk factors should consider getting mammogram screening at an earlier age and more frequently. Ask your healthcare provider when the best time is for you to begin and maintain regular screenings.

For more information on breast cancer, visit CDC: Breast Cancer. 

Cervical Cancer Screening

  • Ages 21-29: Pap test every three years
  • Ages 30-65: Women in this age group may choose to get a Pap test every three years, a primary human papillomavirus test every five years or both tests every five years


Note: Women with certain risk factors or abnormal screening tests may need to be screened more often and/or screened beyond age 65. Ask your healthcare provider how often you should have a cervical cancer screening.

For additional information, click: