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Lake Cumberland District Health Department

A healthy today for a brighter tomorrow.

Board Orientation Materials

The Lake Cumberland District Health Department is pleased to host this and the supporting pages on behalf of the Kentucky Association of Local Boards of Health (KALBOH).

In order to support the growth and development of Kentucky Boards of Health Members, KALBOH has purchased from the University of Michigan seven brief board orientation videos covering a wide variety of topics with which health board members should be familiar. While not every aspect of these videos will be applicable for Kentucky, they should still provide you with an excellent understanding of your duties as a board of health member; as well as, inform as to how you can not only support your local health department but the overall mission of public health.

If you are a Kentucky board of health member, please use the links below to access each orientation videos, and thank you for your service on a Kentucky board of health.

Module 1

Module Objectives: This module will provide a basic definition of public health and identify how it is different from medical and primary care. This presentation will also give examples of how public health has impacted population health outcomes. And finally, this video explores the three core functions and ten essential services of public health. As a board of health member, it is important for you to understand the concept of public health in the local community, nationally, and globally as well as recognize the functions that you will be expected to support.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 1: Public Health Primer, Part A (14 minutes)

Module 2

Module Objectives: This module continues your introduction to public health by exploring the components of the public health system. Additionally, you will learn about the structures and functions that support local public health, such as the public health workforce. As governing bodies with responsibility for oversight, boards of health help assure that health departments have an efficient and effective infrastructure to carry out their work. As will be discussed further in later modules, boards of health do this in part by encouraging and supporting health departments in the use of strategic partnerships and in using science and data to implement proven practices.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 2 Public Health Primer Part B (13 minutes)

Module 3

Module Objectives: This module will detail some important concepts about public health governance, starting with the various structures at state and local levels. Next, we will look at the key functions of public health governing bodies that were established by the National Association of Local Boards of Health. By the end of this module, you should have a better understanding of how a board of health functions and how you might integrate the information into your work.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 3 Operating as a Board of Health (16 minutes)

Module 4

Module Objectives:  In this module, we will explore the role of boards of health as stewards of public health resources. We will also identify the importance of funding for boards of health and for public health in general. Finally, we will discuss various sources of funding and the best way to access them.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 4 Financing Public Health (16 minutes)

Module 5

Module Objectives: Module Objectives: This module explores the concept of health equity, a driving force behind the essential services provided by public health agencies and an important aspect of the governance function of continuous improvement. You will also learn what the social determinants of health are and how they relate to health equity and health disparities. Finally, you will identify strategies for addressing the causes of health inequity. This knowledge will help your board of health to make equitable decisions for your community.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 5 Contributing to Health Equity (14 minutes)

Module 6

Module Objectives: In this module, you will learn about the importance of cross-sectoral partnerships to improve population health outcomes. You will also explore how the board of health can contribute to fostering those partnerships.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 6 Partnerships to Improve Health Outcomes (9 minutes)

Module 7

Module Objectives: This video explores the differences between policy and advocacy. Additionally, we will explore strategies for creating an effective public health policy. Acting as an advocate for public health in your community will help make your time as a board of health member both productive and fulfilling. Not only is Policy Development a key function of boards of health, but you may recall it is also one of the Core Functions and Ten Essential Services conducted by public health agencies under the leadership of health officers.

KALBOH Board of Health Orientation: Module 7 Supporting Population Health through Policy and Advocacy (14 minutes)